# Janus Phone Kit
This Project is a toolkit for creating vide conferences based on Janus WebRTC Server The main purpose of it is to create an abstract layer that is easy to use in order to create vide conferences and manage them.
# Installation
npm install
to install dependencies
npm run serve
to start the local documentation and demo
npm run build
to bundle the project.
This project uses typescript and is in early stages of development. Please don't use it in production as it's experimental and might change.
Demo Code on how to create a video conference
const PhoneKit = new JanusPhoneKit({
url: 'wss://webconf.officering.net/janus'
const roomId = 1234
PhoneKit.joinConference(roomId, 'User display name')
PhoneKit.on('member:join', data => {
// Whenever someone joins the video call including yourself
// {type: 'publisher|subscriber', sender: 'sender id', steam: 'video stream object', joinResult: object }
PhoneKit.on('member:hangup', data => {
// Whenever someone exists the video call
// { sender: 'sender id' }
PhoneKit.on('hangup', () => {
// PhoneKit.hangup() was called somehwere
// Leave the room
// Share your screen
PhoneKit.startScreenShare().then(() => {
// success, sharing your screen
# Available JanusPhoneKit options:
- url websocket url of the janus server
- stunServers List of STUN servers. Usually these are needed when the servers don't have public IPs. Defaults to
[{urls: "stun:stun.l.google.com:19302"}]
You can find a working Vue.js example in the source code located in src/docs/.vuepress/components/Demo.vue
Demo →